महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना



नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चौलाथ्व द्वितीया - २

Collection of Passport

Once the passport is ready for collection, you"ll receive email from the Department of Passport, Nepal and Embassy of Nepal, Canberra and also a text message in provided Nepal"s mobile number. It also appears “Your passport has been issued” while tracking in "Nepal ePassport" App. And you may choose any one of the following options for passport collection.

Options for collection
1) Visiting to the Embassy oneself carrying original old passport (birth certificate in case of minor).
2) Authorizing someone (sending email to Embassy at consular.canberra@mofa.gov.np) and sending him/her the original old passport (birth certificate in case of minor).
3) Sending original old passport (copy of birth certificate in case baby"s passport) and a self-addressed (write your full address in the recipient side of the envelope) postage paid trackable return envelope to the following postal address of the Embassy through post. Please keep the tracking numbers of your both envelops for tracking the status of your parcel. Embassy hands over your parcel back to the post within two weeks once we receive your parcel.

Note: In case of renewal of lost passport, send/bring copy of old passport and receipt.

Postal address:
Embassy of Nepal
P O Box -1070
Mawson, ACT 2607

In case of urgent need of passport, option 1 or 2 is advised. Please be informed the Embassy will not be responsible for any lost/undelivered post.